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Community Council

The President and the members of the Community Council of Vasa Kellakiou that were elected during the municipal elections of 18/12/2016 are:
Full Name: Pantelis Georgiou (President)
Τelephone: 99332410
Full Name: Sotiris Siapanis (Vice-President)
Τelephone: 99662813
The members of the Community Council are:
Full Name: Emma Price  
Τelephone:  99008776
Ονοματεπώνυμο: Nicola Wilkinson
Τηλέφωνα: 99949551 
Full Name: Rafael Koutalianos
Τelephone: 99957267
The personnel of the Community Council is:
Full Name: Georgia Georgiou (Secretary)
Τelephone: 25633478


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