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The village of Vasa Kellakiou is found in the borders of the province of Limasol with the province of Larnaka. The Vasa Kellakiou is built at an altitude of 390 meters. It accepts a medium annual rainfall of around 510 millimeters and in her region are cultivated carobs, olives, almond trees, fruit-bearing trees, citrus fruits and vegetables.

The residents of the village Vasa deal with agriculture and specifically with the culture of legumes. The earth of the region is very good and for this reason the legumes of the region are famous for their flavor.

The community in its long-lasting history had enough fluctuations of its population. In 1881 the residents of the community were 148 but they decreased to 124 in 1891, they have increased to 181 in 1921, decreased to 151 in 1931 and increased once again to 185 in 1946. In 1982 the residents because of the big wave of urbanism present in the region decreased to 68. In the last inventory that took place 2001 the residents were measured to be 54.

As far as transport is concerned, the village is connected in the southeastern side with the village Asgata and the village Kalavasos and in northwestern with the village Sanida and the village Kellaki.

The village took the name Vasa because in the old years it was the base for eight other villages that existed in the region around it. Today these other communities are unfortunately not rescued, apart from certain ruins that exist around the village and just imply the existence of other villages. During the years of Venetian domination when the entire island suffered from the raids of the barbarians, under the village there existed a big tunnel that was used by women and children in order to protect themselves. The residents of the village had guardians – messengers in the locality Deisis, at the end of the village. As soon as they saw any barbarians coming they gave the sign "Cottonseed" via their voice, in order for the women and children to run and hide in the underground tunnel and protect themselves. Unfortunately today exists only the entry of the tunnel.

The village is known as Vasa Kellakiou from the name of a neighboring village in order not to be confused with the other homonym village of Limassol, the Vasa Koilaniou.

In the village they are maintained up to today two interesting traditions. The one is reported in the stone of Saint Demetrios and the other in the chapel of Virgin Mary of Vosienas. The first tradition reports that, when the construction of the church of Saint Demetrios began, in the place where the holy altar would have been built there existed a big block of stone that all the residents of the village together could not move. The villagers began to be puzzled for the construction of the church somewhere else, when the other day the block of stone was disappeared on its own. The block of stone was found later in another locality that is today called " The Stone of Saint Demetrios". According to the tradition Saint Demetrios himself moved the stone. The other tradition reports that the chapel of Virgin Mary of Vosienas was built from a villager that his flock was in danger by an illness that was present in the region. When he built the chapel his animals began to increase in number. Up to today when the animals of the village are ill the villagers ask for help from the Virgin Mary the Vosiena.

During the last years a big built-up growth in the community is observed. Many Cypriots and foreigners bought old houses, which they have reconditioned, maintaining their traditional architecture and they live there permanently.


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